Monday, January 12, 2009


This is what I read in the paper today:

"The third Monday in January is
when 15 per cent of Canadians feel
down in the dumps,according to the
B.C. chapter of the Canada Health Association."

That's funny because today I felt quite down. I decided that even though I always try to see the good in everyone, i'm beginning to lose faith in people. I think I already lost faith in people a long time ago, but just tried to come up with excuses for them. There's that old saying "put yourself in someone else' shoes. If it hurts your feet, it probably hurts them too." I don't care about anyone else' feet but my own. If no one is willing to change and improve themselves to becoming better human beings then what's the point. Get a better pair of shoes! Don't bother trying to preach words of wisdom if everything you say is going to contradict what you do.

I really am a nice person, I swear. I've just been sucked dry, so i'll just stand by and watch rather then get involved with other people's immorality.

As for today being more morose than most, maybe it's not the Christmas bills piling up or the rainy/snowy weather or weight gain. Maybe once a year people just realize the person they're becoming and it depresses them momentarily until they wake up the next day and decide to be content with the jerk they've become.

Don't worry, there's only one more hour left until we can all be happy again.


1 comment:

  1. I would hardly venture to call you a jerk. But I do understand where you're coming from on the people front. They key is finding a balance between looking outward, to try and help and care for others, and looking inward to nurturing yourself. Listen to me talking about keys when I am always the one locked out of the house or car. Either way, I love you Kimmy Alexander, and I hope some hope finds you on the third Tuesday of January.
